How To Make Retirement Dollars Go Further While Still Having Fun

Affording day-to-day living expenses is a primary concern for millions of pre-retirees, but another problem looms on the retirement horizon that they may not appreciate.


“You can get so obsessed with your nest egg, investments, Social Security, financial products and the like that you may forget the big picture and fail to understand all of your options,” says Joshua Mellberg, founder of J.D. Mellberg Financial (

“Worrying about money can prevent you from spending time on things you really enjoy during retirement. But you don’t have to just sit at home to make your money go further.”

Mellberg offers suggestions for an action plan that takes into account concerns for both fun and money.

• Sail away with an adventurous part-time job. At any given time, there can be dozens of new openings for work on cruise ships. Check out opportunities here. Or, you may prefer to stay local and teach a fitness class at the YMCA. What do you enjoy and what are you good at? Uber, the online transportation network, has had many senior citizens as clients, which could work in your favor if you need a flexible schedule and enjoy driving around your community. Opportunities abound.
• Save money by volunteering. Charity work can save you money by occupying your mind, which staves off boredom and the temptation to spend cash, much the same way that having a job does. If you don’t need to earn more money, you may gain fulfillment working for a cause that’s dear to your heart. Being active at an animal rescue, for example, also keeps you from running up the electricity bill at home.
• Stretch your dollar while vacationing oversees. Travel overseas is often on the bucket list during retirement, but you’ll want to consider the conversion rate for your dollar. There are multiple sites that help you find the best package travel deals, and AARP offers helpful discounts. For more advice on traveling during retirement, visit
• Consider using open invitations from old friends and family members. How often have people from your past said, “Come back anytime?” While you perhaps took it merely as a friendly thing to say, they may have been sincere. Staying with friends or family is a great way to cut travel costs and receive expert advice on local destinations.

“Remember, retirement is supposed to be fun,” Mellberg says. “Following your heart’s desire can actually save you money.”

About Joshua Mellberg

Joshua Mellberg started J.D. Mellberg Financial ( as a vow to always offer clients a wide array of proven retirement products and services to help protect and then manage their assets to fit their goals. He is a sought-after speaker on retirement-income-planning strategies who has been featured on CNBC, PBS and Yahoo! Finance.