How To Handle an International Move

As trade becomes more and more globalized, more and more companies are learning to operate in a global marketplace. That seems simple and obvious until you stop to really think about the implications of that statement. If more companies are operating in a wide range of countries, that means more companies are offering opportunities for employees to move internationally as part of an upward career path. Many younger professionals are now assuming that a high power career comes with a willingness to relocate long distances, whether that’s moving across the country in a big place like Canada or even moving internationally. If you’re looking at an international move in the near future, there are a few simple things to learn to help the process go more smoothly.

Legal Help Matters

There are a lot of ways to move between countries. International relationships between the country you currently live in and the one you want to move to have a lot to do with the process of moving. If you’re moving for a job, the good news is that your workplace will often be a great resource for the legal hoops you have to jump through. You’ll want your own independent sources of help and information to make sure you have someone advocating for you, but it’s usually quite a bit easier to make sure you land your visa quickly if you’re being sponsored by an employer.

If you’re looking to move in order to find work in-country, you’ll want to learn more about how the destination country handles immigration. For example, if you are looking to immigrate to Canada from UK and you’re under 30, there is a program open to you that can help you establish yourself and then apply for permanent residency, one that is not available to older participants in the workforce. Understanding when these programs exist and which ones are aimed at people like you can simplify approval for your entry to a country to work by moving you out of the general queue and into a streamlined path to residency.

Learn More Before You Apply

Preparation is 90% of the battle when it comes to getting ready to move abroad. Identifying how you qualify, putting together the finances, and then applying for entry are all long-term processes, and if you make sure you have everything in order well ahead of your planned move date, the actual process of packing and transporting yourself to your new home should be relatively easy. Remember, the more help you have, the better supported your move will be.


  • Ann

    I have two friends (a married couple, now with a toddler) who have been moving to different parts of the world for maybe… a decade now? The seem to move about once a year; I think they’ve actually slowed down now, since they’ve had the baby. One thing that they did a long time ago is SERIOUSLY pare down their belongings. They’re able to clean out and pack up their apartment in a day, and then their boxes go out onto cargo ships. Obviously their situation/lifestyle is rather unique (it’s because of their careers that they do this), but I’d imagine that reducing unnecessary material items before a move would be quite helpful.

  • Sarah L

    I did get to move overseas to Germany when I was in the Air Force. The military is very good at moving people. I would second the suggestion that you pare things down to the absolute essentials.

  • Rosie

    I’m trying to help someone who is elderly move to Ireland, where she was born. It is hard to find local sources of assistance, but I’m finding it a little bit at a time. She doesn’t even have the internet, and they don’t even give out phone numbers anymore, and she can’t even go to the library, since they are closed, so she asked me to help.

  • Hannah Chase

    It’s definitely important to prepare! This is good information for anyone planning to move overseas!