Visiting the National Aquarium with your family during COVID
It has been a long two years for everyone in one way or another. One way is the fact that everything has been locked down with limited capacity, or just not open in general. Since everyone is starting to venture back out most people still want to take their families where they feel safe, especially those with compromised immune systems.
I took my family to the National Aquarium in Baltimore a few weeks ago and this is one of those nice family destinations where you can feel safe virus-wise. While the aquarium was busy, it was not the crazy I remember it as. Also, before even entering they have an employee making sure everyone is wearing a mask.
On to the visit……..
This was the first time I have taken my 2-year-old to the aquarium and she LOVED it!
As soon as we walked in she ran right to the giant jaws which she enjoyed standing in and looking at.
Then came the giant fish “tank” ocean with all the stingrays and other various fish swimming around, she could not stop pointing at all the fish asking “what’s that?”, making this a great learning experience for her also.
My toddler has become obsessed with baby shark-like most others so the large shark tank was a favorite of hers throughout the visit.
There is a touch tank here which I did not let my crazy toddler touch, but my niece who went along did feel the jellyfish and thought it was pretty cool to feel them with her fingers.
The divers were in the large fish tank during our visit cleaning and this was neat to see.
Besides fish, you have the Amazon rainforest which was pretty warm but quite neat to look around at the different animals just running around or hanging out in the trees.
At the end of the day, everyone was tired out and LOVED visiting the aquarium and looking at all the floors of different fish. The little one was especially tired out not being able to use her stroller that day 🙂