Retseliney Best Acne Face Wash & Oil Control Review

I have been using Retseliney Best Acne Face Wash & Oil Control for about a week now, and have been pretty pleased with the results. This product comes in a pump bottle, which I am a fan of, they are so much easier to work with. For some reason, I have been getting a lot of acne lately, so I was ready to use this product. When using it, I did notice that while it did not completely get rid of my acne the next day, it was not as bad. I did not use this product for about two days, and the acne started coming back in, so sad! So based on that, I would say this product was helping to keep the acne away, while reducing the current acne. After using this product…my face felt so fresh and clean, along with smooth, a nice plus!

I received this product for free in exchange for my honest opinions