Spring is Right Around the Corner, Finally!

It’s about time, Spring is only a few days away, YAY!! Even though they are calling for snow in my area on the first day of Spring, I am still excited it is basically here If you cannot tell!

So what things am I looking forward to this year? What do I think of when I think Spring?

The first thing that comes to mind when I think Spring… birds outside my window chirping away when I wake up in the morning. It is such a nice sound to wake up to, and just makes me think it will be such a nice day.

Next, you have the nice warm days, which means fishing outdoors, hiking the trails, just spending time with the outdoors is SO refreshing and relaxing, I just cannot wait for this.

You also have garage sales, which makes this my favorite time of year. It is like a large treasure hunt every weekend, trying to find some cheap little goodies to bring home. Perfect way to save yourself some money! People want to get rid of their “junk” and lucky for you, it is stuff you need (or want).

Spring also means gardening season, which I cannot wait for this year. Last year I had the best luck with gardening so far, and it was not the best. I am hoping I have it figured out this year, and get some yummy vegetables from my garden.

With the gardens starting, that means fresh veggies, which means fresh, healthy good-tasting meals, that my body is ready for this year

Lastly, Spring means bright green grass growing back in, leaves filling in the trees again, flowers blooming, and just beautiful sights filling the outdoors!

I am ready for Spring, are you? What reminds you of Spring?