Thermacell Repellent Camp Lantern Review!
It is almost that time of year again, Summer!! Yippy!! However, warmer weather also means the bugs are going to be in full strength.
Over the summer I like to go fishing with my family, and well….the bugs can be a HUGE headache down by the river. Of course I have tried multiple sprays, candles, and other products, but they just don’t seem to work for a long length of time, which means fishing is usually cut shorter than expected.
I was recently introduced to a new product which would help me defeat this problem…Thermacell Repellent Camp Lantern!
So what is so special about this product?
“The Thermacell Repellent Camp Lantern is a new durable, water-resistant repellent Camp Lantern that provides bright light and repels mosquitoes. With a heavy-duty rubberized base, 50 hours of use at its highest setting, and the ability to keep biting mosquitoes, black flies and “no see-ums” at bay, this lantern makes camping more enjoyable.”
I CANNOT wait to take this lantern with me on my fishing trips coming up soon! Since it is not quite warm enough out yet to see if this repels bugs, I tested out the lantern feature itself so far.
The Thermacell Repellent Camp Lantern requires four AA batteries, which are included in the box (a plus). The lantern itself has four settings…three of which make the lantern brighter with each push, and the final one is for emergencies. When on the fourth setting the lantern will flash so you can alert anyone around you by the blinking light. Just on the lowest setting this lantern has a good distance with light, I was very surprised. On the brightest setting, this covers a pretty large area, so no worrying about seeing around you in the pitch black night.
When it comes to the Repellent feature, this product comes with a butane cartridge, which you just screw in the lantern. Also, you have an insect repellent mat, which goes in the top of the lantern which is heated from the butane and puts out the repellent. This can shield a 15×15 foot area, which in my opinion is a decent sized area, especially for me when fishing.
So, if you are ready for summer, but want to get rid of those bugs, even if just around your house….I would give Thermacell Repellent Camp Lantern a try!!