Super Frugalistic Guide: Cleaning with Essential Oils

The article was contributed by Demi Giles

Cleaning your home naturally is simpler than you might think, not to mention much easier on one’s budget as in most cases, it is possible to mix up your very own eco-friendly detergents instead of spending money on buying expensive, chemical-laden and often ineffective cleaning products from the local convenience store. Implementing essential oils in your cleaning routine is a great way to start as these carry amazing disinfection properties, are budget-friendly and will leave your home spotlessly clean and fresh. We have compiled a short “frugalistic” guide, essential oil newbies might find helpful.

Why are Essential Oils Good for Cleaning Purposes?

Essential oils not only smell amazing, but are also highly regarded for their antibacterial and antiviral properties. When mixed properly with other natural ingredients like white vinegar, essential oils can be very effective in cleaning a range of surfaces and stains. It’s important to mention you should aim for buying high-quality oils to ensure you get the best of their cleaning properties. The good news is you will not have to spend a fortune to buy a quality product as oils are rather reasonably priced.

Choosing the Right Essential Oils

Please note there is no clear-cut distinction between “good” and “bad” essential oils. You can choose oils that suit your individual preferences as long as their quality and brand credibility are on point. The number of options, you are provided with is simply mind-blowing – lemongrass, peppermint, lavender, tangerine, tea tree, cedar wood, avocado and jasmine, to name a few. As you can see, there is a suitable option for everyone. In all cases, you should aim for oils that read organic on the bottle. Use oils that are 100% pure and are not cut with any additional ingredients.

The Benefits of Using Essential Oils in Cleaning

There are so many perks of using essential oils instead of ready-made cleaning detergents we don’t know where to start. Essential oils can effectively fight fungi and bacteria, they smell amazing, and are perfect for degreasing kitchen surfaces and grimy ovens. The greatest advantage they have to offer is health-related. They are not aggressive so they will neither damage your skin, nor will they cause any unpleasant allergic reactions. Last but not least, they are easy on your budget.

Preparing Your Own Essential Oil Cleaning Product

Mixing up a natural cleaning detergent, using essential oils is beyond simple and does not require much time. For a standard cleaning detergent that is to be used on a variety of surfaces, you will need an old spray bottle, three to four cups of water, and five to ten drops of essential oil. To enhance the mixture’s cleaning properties, feel free to add anywhere between fifteen to twenty drops of oil. Shake until the concoction mixes well and use it to clean floors, bathroom and kitchen surfaces or to polish furniture and steel surfaces. For the purpose, you can spray the mixture on a soft cloth or apply it directly on the surface you intend to clean.

Chiswick HomeCleaners suggests to add a few drops of essential oil to your washing machine’s softener dispenser for fresher and softer laundry. When cleaning hard floors, you can pour your oil cleaning product in a bucket, alongside the floor detergent you use for optimal results. You can also add other natural ingredients to your mixture like white vinegar, for instance.

When to Avoid the Use of Essential Oils for Cleaning Purposes

Despite the fact essential oils are perfectly natural and largely safe to use in cleaning, there is a small group of people, who are recommended to steer clear from resorting to them. This is especially valid for pregnant women, but people with certain health conditions as well as pet owners are advised to consult with their vets or physicians prior to incorporating oils in their cleaning routine.

Essential oils are wonderful for cleaning and are proven to be effective on a variety of surfaces. We highly recommend you to use them for a healthier, chemical-free lifestyle and great results at a low cost.