Let Save-A-Lot Help You With Back To School

Disclosure: Save-A-lot provided me with a gift card to provide this post. All opinions are my own.

It’s that time of year again, SCHOOL TIME! The children around my area just went back to school this week, and I know some started a few weeks ago in other areas. Of course, it is the bittersweet moment of “Yea, the kids are back in school” but “Oh No! That means lunches, homework, new friends, back to busy life”. Save-A-Lot is here to help you from now on!

I was given a gift card to shop my local Save-A-Lot in Lancaster, PA to try and find some of their brands to make these times easier. I decided to find a few food items to cover a couple different back-to-school frustrations ?

To start, we have breakfast, that fun time where you have to hope you get your child out of bed on time. We all know this can be a hassle, especially at the beginning of the year, after they slept in all summer. Which in the end, means we need a quick, filling, and at least semi-healthy meal.

How about Kiggins Cinnamon Toast Crunch? This is one of my favorite flavors of cereal, and honestly I could not tell the difference in taste compared to the name-brand version. Another plus, only 130 calories per serving!

If you need a break from cereal, try out Morning Delight Blueberry Waffles! These taste SO good! My niece loves waffles so I got them for her, but I am pretty sure the box is almost empty. Oops!

Then comes packing the lunch….

You want healthy, but filling, but at the same time, do not want to spend a lot of money. Some ideas:

Coburn Farms Provolone Cheese and Buddig Smoked Honey Ham Sandwiches, or also Fairgrounds Ham (pictured top right).

For a healthy snack…True Fruit Mandarin Oranges. These even come with a spoon in the lid, so no forgetting silverware.

Lastly, for a sweet snack…Any item from Freshley’s! I really enjoy the Honey Buns and Brownies. They both are very good and once again you are saving money by not spending top dollar on the named brand food items.

Now it’s the end of the day, you are either to tired to make a full supper, or else there are some hungry friends over, now what do you do?!

How about making some Mantia’s Italiano French Bread Pizzas? Every kid (and of course) adult will love them.

If you still need one more snack to finish the night off…

J.Higgs Xtreme Nacho Cheese Tortilla Chips! Dump them in a bowl and they will never know they are not Doritos ?

So as you can see, no matter what dilemma you come across this year, Save-A-Lot is here to help. Trust me, they have a LOT more to select from, this was just a teaser of the items in store.