• Super Frugalistic Guide: Cleaning with Essential Oils

    The article was contributed by Demi Giles Cleaning your home naturally is simpler than you might think, not to mention much easier on one’s budget as in most cases, it is possible to mix up your very own eco-friendly detergents instead of spending money on buying expensive, chemical-laden and often ineffective cleaning products from the local convenience store. Implementing essential oils in your cleaning routine is a great way to…

  • Sensitive Skin? How To Avoid Allergic Reactions When Coloring Your Hair

    Choosing a new hair color wouldn’t seem to be the kind of decision that comes with much peril. But anyone intent on going from blond to brunette, or from grey haired to redhead could be in for a surprise. In fact, chemicals used in hair dyes can trigger allergic reactions, and skin exposed to the chemical paraphenylenediamin (PPD) may become swollen, red, blistered, dry and cracked. “It’s a not so…

  • 5 Ways The College Textbook Industry Gets You To Pay More For Textbooks

    The tuition cost was haunting. The dorm bill was daunting. The laptop your favorite college freshman just had to have cost more than your first car. Now all she has left to do is hit the college bookstore with her list of required textbooks. Don’t be surprised if she comes out crying. A recent study by the United States Government Accountability office showed that the average prices for textbooks have risen…

  • 4 Tips For Helping Your Child Disconnect From The Electronic World

    Ever since Nintendo made the Pokemon Go video-game app available, young people have been exploring their communities with their eyes firmly fixed on their smartphones rather than on the wonders of the world. If endless hours spent capturing imaginary creatures seems like an electronic addiction, it very well may be, but that’s nothing new. Many children have been plugged into electronic devices for a long time now, rarely looking up…

  • How To Make Retirement Dollars Go Further While Still Having Fun

    Affording day-to-day living expenses is a primary concern for millions of pre-retirees, but another problem looms on the retirement horizon that they may not appreciate. Boredom. “You can get so obsessed with your nest egg, investments, Social Security, financial products and the like that you may forget the big picture and fail to understand all of your options,” says Joshua Mellberg, founder of J.D. Mellberg Financial (http://www.jdmellberg.com). “Worrying about money…

  • 4 frugal tips for great gardens

    Taking care of a garden, no matter big or small, can be truly fulfilling. This is a great hobby which will help you forget about the stress and the problems of everyday life, while you also have fun arranging and growing the plants that you like. In case you’ve always wanted to have a beautiful garden in your home, now is the time to consider this idea more seriously. One…

  • Is Your Mishmash Of Retirement Accounts A Baffling Investment Puzzle?

    After decades of job hopping – by necessity or design – some people have accumulated several retirement accounts, making it a confusing chore to keep track of what’s happening with their money. They may, for example, have three 401(k) accounts, a Roth IRA and a couple of traditional IRAs. “That’s just the way it is these days,” says Bryan Slovon, founder and CEO of Stuart Financial Group (http://www.Stuartfg.com). “It’s a…

  • How to Find Balance in Your Life

    Much has been written and discussed about how balance in life will help us be happier and healthier. It is easy to notice when one’s life is out of balance with feelings of distress, anxiety, and uneasiness. Being in total balance is a goal that may never be obtainable as life is always changing and full of surprises. Life seems to be a juggling act of its many different aspects.…