Have a Sensitive Nose? Solve It With Renuzit! Review

Do have friends or family members who have sensitive noses, or even yourself? and you just want to have your favorite scents sitting around the house, but you cannot because of this? Well Renuzit has come up with a solution…. New Renuzit Sensitive Scents!!

It has been awhile since I got to try out some new scents from the Renuzit brand, and I was quite excited to receive this little bundle.

What are the new products?

Renuzit Sensitive Scents Water Blossom & Cucumber Cone- Just sit the scent cone on a table and walk away. The cones are made to last up to 4 weeks. I did find the scent to be very light once sat out for a week, but the scent was wonderful, I just wish it lasted a little longer.
Renuzit Sensitive Scents Pure Ocean Breeze Scented Oils– These refills fit universally in any Glade or Air Wick unit, which I think really puts these above other brands. I was VERY surprised how much the smell permeated throughout the ENTIRE apartment. It is just a nice, relaxing scent when you walk in the door.
Renuzit Sensitive Scents White Pear & Lavender Super Odor Neutralizer- Have a room you need freshened up? This is perfect for that! A few quick sprays and the room smells as good as new. This definitely has more of a lavender scent in my opinion, and it smells wonderful! Great for a quick fabric refresher when guests come over.